Pub Day Book Review: The Secret Hook-Up by Pippa Grant

by Krista

❥ Thank you to author Pippa Grant and Hambright PR for the free audiobook.


You would think nearly dying trying to get out of a too-tight gown in a dressing room and being saved by a strong, competent man was a good thing. Not so much, though, when that strong, competent man is your ex. Your secret ex.

And the reason you need a gown is because you are part of a charity auction.

The charity auction where he gets into a bidding war to win you.

And now, because you are one of few female coaches in professional baseball, and he is the captain of the local professional hockey team, and he paid a ridiculous sum of money for you…

The entire city is shipping you. You cannot leave your apartment without getting a knowing wink from strangers. Your bosses want to use the publicity to have you jointly launch a new community outreach program.

That is bad enough. It truly is.

But even worse?

Duncan Lavoie, the green-eyed, curly-haired, dimple-cheeked, hot-as-lava hockey player wants a second chance. And he will play dirty to get it.


This, book six in The Copper Valley Thrusters series, marks my introduction to Pippa Grant. I had been meaning to pick up a few of her books, so I could not pass up the opportunity to listen to this audiobook. It is very rare for me to read a book from a series unless I had read the previous books, but I found this one worked great as standalone story.

Having read a fair amount of sports romance books over the past few months, I felt that this was a refreshing story especially because of our badass FMC, Addie. I enjoyed the glimpse into Addie’s life as she navigated some of the sexism thrown her way. And I loved the slow-burn romance between she and Duncan.

❥ Listening to this via audio was a great experience. Narrators Virginia Rose and Tim Paige did a wonderful job!

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