Book Review: This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune

by Krista

❥ Thank you for the free audiobook, PRH Audio.


Lucy is the tourist vacationing at a beach house on Prince Edward Island. Felix is the local who shows her a very good time. The only problem: Lucy doesn’t know he’s her best friend’s younger brother. Lucy and Felix’s chemistry is unreal, but the list of reasons why they need to stay away from each other is long, and they vow to never repeat that electric night again.

It’s easier said than done.

Each year, Lucy escapes to PEI for a big breath of coastal air, fresh oysters and crisp vinho verde with her best friend, Bridget. Every visit begins with a long walk on the beach, beneath soaring red cliffs and a golden sun. And every visit, Lucy promises herself she won’t wind up in Felix’s bed. Again.

If Lucy can’t help being drawn to Felix, at least she’s always kept her heart out of it.

When Bridget suddenly flees Toronto a week before her wedding, Lucy drops everything to follow her to the island. Her mission is to help Bridget through her crisis and resist the one man she’s never been able to. But Felix’s sparkling eyes and flirty quips have been replaced with something new, and Lucy’s beginning to wonder just how safe her heart truly is.


Having completed all three of Fortune’s books this summer, I can safely say that she is now an auto-buy author for me. I hope that we are fortunate enough to be blessed with more of her all-consuming stories in the future.

This was a five-star read for me. If pressed, I would admit that I loved Every Summer After a bit more, but I still really adored this one. All of the Anne of Green Gables references filled this kindred spirit’s heart with joy. Lucy and Felix’s happily ever after was just lovely.

If you want a quick romance read with beautiful scenery and charming characters, pick up a Carley Fortune book.

❥ Listening to this via audio was delightful. AJ Bridel did a wonderful job with the narration.

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