Book Review: Dark City Omega by Elizabeth Stephens

by Krista


Echo knew that being caught by a ruling Berserker would mean becoming his pawn, a play thing to be used for her powers. That wouldn’t be her fate. She’d rather run lost through the woods forever, dangerous though they may be. But there’s something even more sinister than beasts and Berserkers lurking in the woods. Something both undead and deadly. She can’t fight it alone. She’ll have to turn to the Berserker who’s caught the trail of her scent and won’t let it go. He says she’s his. She says never. He says forever. Bones, bonds and hearts will be broken. Some battles can’t be won. Run, Omega, run.




Book number one in the Beasts of Gatamora series marked my first foray into dark romance. Despite being an on again, off again gamer girl, I had a hard time getting into monsters doing monstrous things. My feelings towards this book were a pretty good reflection of the love-hate relationship between the two main characters. I wanted to dislike it, but it kept me bewitched.

I have two bones to pick with this story. While the romance was engrossing, it was sometimes just gross. And while the plot was ambitious, it felt quite repetitious.  

This book falls at a strong three for me since I was intrigued by the main characters enough to want to see where the series will take them. I especially enjoyed the steampunk vibes of the world and the lusty tension between our Omega and Berserker.


This dark beauty came from my Probably Smut book subscription box. The cover is lovely, but the black pages with white text make a provocative statement.

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Sarah February 3, 2024 - 1:45 pm

Adding this to by TBR!

Krista February 5, 2024 - 3:36 pm

Oh, my! I look forward to your review!

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