Book Review: Do Me a Favor by Cathy Yardley

by Krista

❥ Thank you for the free ARC, Literary Media Tours and Cathy Yardley.


Willa Lieu-Endicott moved from California to the Pacific Northwest to start over. Since her husband’s death, she’s been struggling to get back her old career as a cookbook ghostwriter. Unfortunately, her latest project—ghostwriting for a viral cooking sensation known more for his washboard abs than his meals—has her stuck.

Until she meets her new neighbor.

Hudson Daws, the handyman next door, lives on a farm with his parents and two adult children. He’s the opposite of everything she’s ever known. His happily chaotic life includes biker barbecues, an escape artist dog, and adorably menacing goats. He’s also got a sinfully sexy smile and a rumbling bass voice that makes her shiver. He inspires her.

From their first meeting, the two fall into an escalating cycle of favors, paybacks…and attraction, even though Willa’s trying to keep her distance.

They both have their own pasts to deal with. Now, they just have to figure out if they have a future.


There is a lot to love about this rom-com. I especially enjoyed it because the main characters are around my age and have dealt with some issues that I can relate to. This rom-com was not only a breath of fresh air, but actually funny, too.

There were some fun surprises in this story that I didn’t expect. From edible shenanigans to a shirtless celebrity chef, I found myself smiling quite a lot while reading this one. Add swoon-worthy chemistry between mature main characters, and this book had the recipe for success.

If this sweet small-town romance sounds interesting to you, watch for its publication on July 24 of this year!


Do you use cookbooks?

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