Pub Day Book Review: Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell

by Krista

❥ Thank you to William Morrow for the free book + for the free audiobook.


Back in high school, everybody thought Shiloh and Cary would end up together . . . everybody but Shiloh and Cary.

They were just friends. Best friends. Allies. They spent entire summers sitting on Shiloh’s porch steps, dreaming about the future. They were both going to get out of north Omaha—Shiloh would go to college and become an actress, and Cary would join the Navy. They promised each other that their friendship would never change.

Well, Shiloh did go to college, and Cary did join the Navy. And yet, somehow, everything changed.

Now Shiloh’s thirty-three, and it’s been fourteen years since she talked to Cary. She’s been married and divorced. She has two kids. And she’s back living in the same house she grew up in. Her life is nothing like she planned.

When she’s invited to an old friend’s wedding, all Shiloh can think about is whether Cary will be there—and whether she hopes he will be. Would Cary even want to talk to her? After everything?

The answer is yes. And yes. And yes.

This is the story of Shiloh and Cary, who everyone thought would end up together, trying to find their way back to the start.


This perfectly titled book is a wonderful example of Rainbow Rowell’s beautiful character-driven work. Not only does the title hold significance in the story, but the story itself is also a beautiful slow dance.

This author has a way of making characters come to life. As I said in my recent review of her popular title, Fangirl, Rowell’s finely crafted characters make me feel invested in their journeys. And Shiloh and Cary were no exception. I loved them and their raw and relatable experiences. I appreciated their perfectly imperfect love story.

Try this one out if you are in the mood for an immersive and slightly gritty slow read with a satisfying HEA.

❥ Listening to this via audio was so good. Narrator Rebecca Lowman did a wonderful job!

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