Book Review: When the Moon Hatched by Sarah A. Parker

by Krista


The Creators did not expect their beloved dragons to sail skyward upon their end. To curl into balls just beyond gravity’s grip, littering the sky with tombstones. With moons.

They certainly did not expect them to fall.

As a valued Elding Blade of the rebellion group Fíur du Ath, Raeve’s job is to kill. To complete orders and never get caught. When a renowned bounty hunter is employed by The Crown to capture a member of the Ath, Raeve’s world is turned upside down. Blood spills, hearts break, and Raeve finds herself at the mercy of the Guild of Nobles—a group of dual-beaded elementals who intend to turn her into a political statement. Only death will set her free.

Crushed beneath a mourning weight, Kaan Vaegor took the head of a king and donned his melted crown. Now on a tireless quest to assuage the never-ebbing ache in his chest, his hunt for a moonshard lures him into the belly of Gore’s notorious prison where he stumbles upon something that rips apart his perception of reality. A shackled miracle with eyes full of rage and blood on her hands.

The echo of the past sings louder than the Creators themselves, and even Raeve can’t ignore the truths blaring at her from a warmer, happier time.
However, there’s more to this song than meets the eye, and some are too poisonous to swallow.


Book friends, this story did not live up to the hype for me. Despite its interesting premise, it was a steady three-star, from beginning to end. The prose felt as though it was trying too hard to be lyrical. There was a lot of action, but none of it seemed terribly important. I suppose this book is setting its readers up for the next in the Moonfall series. I do not plan to continue on with it. I love the cover, though!


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