BOTM Edition of This Spells Love

by Krista
This Spells Love

I adored This Spells Love, a debut romance novel by author Kate Robb, when I read and reviewed the ARC in September. So, I couldn’t wait to pick up a physical copy for my home library. Lucky for me, Book of the Month offered it as a November selection, a bit ahead of its December publication date.

If you enjoy a contemporary romance story with a generous helping of chemistry, a dash of magical realism, and a dollop of personal growth, check this one out! I’ll include the synopsis below.  


When Gemma Wilde gets dumped by her long-term boyfriend, she reacts the way any reasonable twenty-eight-year-old would: by getting drunk with her sister, kooky aunt, and best friend, Dax, and performing a love cleansing spell to forget all about her ex. Sure, it sounds a little crazy, but nothing else has worked, so why not try it? They follow the instructions, complete with an absolutely platonic kiss from Dax to seal the deal, and Gemma falls asleep in a margarita haze, thinking nothing of it.

But when she wakes up, she realizes that this silly spell has worked. Not only has she never dated her ex; her life looks completely different. And spoiler alert: the grass is not greener in the alternate reality. The worst part of all is that Dax has no idea who she is.

To get back to her old life, Gemma must reverse the spell before the next full moon. That means she has one month to convince a now near-stranger, Dax, to become friends with her in order to get his kiss. But as Gemma carries out her plans, she finds herself falling for him, and begins to wonder whether she even wants to go back to the way things were…


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