Happy Fall 2023

by Krista

Happy fall, bookish friends! I’ve been having so much fun on Bookstagram since joining in early August that I decided to create a bookish blog.

I’ve had a website of some sort since 1998, with the exception of the last few years, which were taken in order for my little family to adjust its sails after experiencing a tragic loss.

So, going back many moons, I started with a faerie blog, then evolved into boutique-centric lifestyle content, which led me to working in fashion and lifestyle blogging and marketing for over a decade. Now I’m in a place where I enjoy the luxury of copious amounts of reading, so a book blog provides the perfect digital home.

Very much a work in progress, I hope the Ever Bookish blog will serve as a source of inspiration for book lovers.

Now excuse me while I drink some coffee and get cozy with some fall books!


What are you reading today?

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